by Dobrusia Szramowiak | Dec 15, 2019 | Heavy Metal Toxicity
MINERALS ARE ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to our wellbeing. They facilitate growth and healing, maintain the body’s acid balance, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and enzyme function. They are involved in every biochemical process in the body. HEAVY METALS ARE...
by Dobrusia Szramowiak | Jul 14, 2019 | Vitality
Nothing is better than waking up feeling refreshed, clear-headed and excited about the day ahead… Do you know this feeling? I love it! However, this is not always the case. I bet you have experienced waking up with a foggy and heavy brain, feeling incapable of...
by Dobrusia Szramowiak | Jul 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
Susanne, 32 years old female says: ‘I forget how to spell words I have known my whole life, I forgot which way to turn the shower taps off today, forgot what number came after 14 when I was putting petrol in my car, forget where I am driving to, my words come out...
by Dobrusia Szramowiak | Jul 6, 2019 | Recipies
No time for a healthy meal? Smoothies are a busy person best friend, providing complete nutrition and multiple health benefits. How many of us struggle to find time to prepare a healthy meal or even consume any meal at all? Unfortunately, with a huge workload,...
by Dobrusia Szramowiak | Jun 4, 2019 | Chronic Infections
Gut microbiome has been on many lips lately… It’s role in directly influencing our health including brain function is now widely recognised. But what about oral microbiome the place where it all begins… Oral health is such an important aspect of how we present...