About Dobrusia

Hello – I’m Dobrusia Szramowiak

The founder and practitioner at Healthy Flow. I am passionate about helping individuals achieve lasting wellness through a holistic approach that combines naturopathy, scientific knowledge, and personalized guidance.

My health journey was a climb, not a smooth ride.

Like most journeys with a rocky start, mine began in 2008 with an unexpected severe illness caused by occupational chemical exposure. I did what most people would do, sought help from Western Medicine, only to be shown the door without answers and without hope. I felt lost, alone and debilitated, as though my own body had turned against me.

Despite years of detox therapies, diet changes and consultations with numerous practitioners, the root cause of my ongoing health issues remained a dark, elusive mystery – one that I was determined to solve. In my desperate search for whole-body healing, I begun to study Naturopathy and other specialist body modalities. The discovery of Lyme disease as a potential underlying factor was a major turning point for me in my quest for health.

This experience led to deeper insights into chronic illnesses resulting from a combination of pathogens, environmental toxins, chemicals, mould exposure, genetic and childhood traumas.

More so, it highlighted the limitations of conventional medicine and the complete denial of Lyme disease in Australia. And so, the embers of my mission to guide others back to wellness were ignited.

Dobrusia Szramowiak
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My Values

My personal journey with illness shaped my deepest understanding of the challenges you face. I’ve experienced the helplessness, unanswered questions, and the powerful desire to reclaim my health. This ignited my passion to guide others towards healing. My core values are:



I truly understand, I’ve walked a similar path.



Your choices matter. We collaborate on solutions.



Honest communication and constructive feedback.



Highest quality care for optimal results.

Professional Qualifications

Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy – Endeavour College

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry – Manchester University

Certificate IV in Massage Therapy

Visceral Manipulation (VM1, VM2, LT1) – Barral Institute

Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Decongestive Therapy – Vodder Institute

Rayid Integrative Iridology

My Approach: Unveiling the Mystery

At Healthy Flow, my approach to chronic illness is different. I combine over 15 years of experience with in-depth scientific knowledge and critical thinking skills to:

UNDERSTANDING the story behind your illness. For experienced clinicians, a patient’s story and symptoms are often tell more than even the most expensive tests. We take a comprehensive approach, reviewing your timeline, assessing symptoms, and analyzing existing blood tests in the context of potential imbalances, not just out-of-range values, to uncover the root cause of your illness. I pride myself in quick-thinking ability to analyse complex medical data and uncover hidden patterns that may be missed by traditional approaches.

Creating a clear and personalized ROADMAP: Based on your unique needs, I craft tailored treatment plans incorporating lifestyle modifications, dietary adjustments, bodywork techniques, and botanicals and supplements.

COLLABORATION: If needed, Id work alongside a trusted network of other healthcare professionals i.e. integrative GP’s, osteopaths, acupuncturist to ensure you receive the most comprehensive care possible.

EMPOWERMENT: My goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate your health journey with confidence and maintain long-term well-being.

Ready to Start your Journey to Wellness?

I am here to support you at every stage of your healing journey.

Book in for a Free 15 min discovery call to discuss how I may help you regain your health.

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